You might know that this summer, the housing market was definitely favoring sellers. This made for the perfect opportunity to look for house that was more suited to two people, now that Nina was off starting her adult life and it was just Mike and me in our big house. Mike had been thinking about this for years, he was the one that was working his tail off to pay for it, but I dug my heels in whenever the conversation came up. I know that it was probably a little unfair of me, but it wasn’t just because I loved our house (though I did). The main reason was that Matthew had lived in that house and there was proof all around us. There were dents in walls, handprints left behind, and greasy little face prints on windows all over the house. I know that it sounds gross that in the eight years since our sweet boy passed away, we hadn’t washed the windows, but I can promise this, you wouldn’t...