What Matthew Taught Me About: What To Do When The World Seems Upside Down

IMG_4339.jpg There are days when you just feel like the rest of the world is upside down. It is hard to focus and you feel a little off. When you have trouble with sensory processing, this feeling comes often. The world is loud and noisy and it can be hard to keep your balance. When you don’t have a sensory processing disorder, the feeling can still grab you. It is on those days that you get annoyed and frustrated easily. You just want to climb into bed and stay there until the world seems to have gotten back into balance.

Matthew taught me a better way to handle this feeling. If you can’t balance the world, balance yourself!

There were so many times that Mike and I would look over at Matthew only to find him sitting upside down on the couch. With his little feet pointing toward the sky. At first, we would tell him to sit on his bum, only to look over again and see his head buried in the seat cushion again. After talking with Matthew’s OT, we learned that this was Matthew’s way of getting sensory input that his body needed. His way of helping himself make the world right at that moment.

Without Matthew, the world never seems to feel balanced anymore. I find myself sitting on the couch or the bed and all of a sudden my feet are in the air and my head is in the cushion. In those moments, I think of him, smile and feel a little more right with the world. He really was a smart cookie!![!


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